Medico-social challenges of ex-serviceman and their spouse: a cross-sectional study in Punjab
Malhotra V.1*, Mohan Malhotra V.2, Kaur S.3, Cheema R.4
1* Vishal Malhotra, Senior Resident, Department of Community Medicine, Govt. Medical College, Patiala, Punjab, India.
2 Varun Mohan Malhotra, Associate Professor, Department of Community Medicine, KIMS (Kamineni Institute of Medical Sciences), Nalgonda, Telangana, India.
3 Sharndeep Kaur, MBBS Intern, 8.Govt. Medical College, Patiala, Punjab, India.
4 Raina Cheema, MBBS Intern, Govt. Medical College, Patiala, Punjab, India.
Background: Due to arduous and hazardous nature of their duties in varied inhospitable terrain Ex-army servicemen are more prone to various psycho-somatic and chronic health problems, and they need assistance for resettlement, rehabilitation and adjustment in civil stream. Objectives: To study social and health problems of ex-army servicemen and their spouse. Materials and Methods: Descriptive cross-sectional study conducted in the month of May 2013, in mega health camp for Ex-army servicemen of two days organized by army in collaboration with Govt. Medical College Patiala. Total of 202 ex-army servicemen and their spouse were interviewed using pre-structured and pretested Proforma. Findings were statistically analyzed using percentages and p-value. Results: 202 participants, male (44.5%) and female (55.5%), with mean age 66.5+ 6.2, almost 40% were illiterate. Male have significantly higher literacy. Almost 50% of the subjects have monthly income between 6,000-10,000Rs and very few were self-employed or reemployed. Three or more morbidities in 54.5% subjects and this association with age was statistically significant. The most common morbidities were hypertension/cardiovascular diseases (77.2%), and musculoskeletal (54.4%). 91.5% were on treatment and compliance to treatment was 80%. Around 33% subjects were feeling sad, mostly because of neglect (12%), poverty (6.4%) and loneliness (4%). Conclusion: Majority of Ex-army servicemen and their spouses were having multiple co-morbidities. Most of them were not involved in any productive job and have low income. Periodic screening of this high risk group and policy formulations at Govt level for their engagement in productive work is need of hour.
Keywords: Ex-army servicemen, Spouse, Morbidity, Statistical
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, Senior Resident, Department of Community Medicine, Govt. Medical College, Patiala, Punjab, India.
Malhotra V, Malhotra VM, Kaur S, Cheema R. Medico-social challenges of ex-serviceman and their spouse: a cross-sectional study in Punjab. Public Health Rev Int J Public Health Res. 2016;3(4):131-139. Available From |