A descriptive study to assess the prevalence of overweight and obesity by calculating BMI (Body Mass Index) among women at selected community area of Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India
Background: Obesity and overweight have become a global epidemic now. Overweight and obesity are the fifth leading risks of death of adults globally every year. Obesity is defined as abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that may impair health. Obesity can occur at any age and generally increased with age. Women generally have higher rate of obesity than men. As the most developing nation, India is struggling to eradicate the problem of under nutrition and anaemia. Meanwhile the country already witnessed the overweight and obesity problem. India has more than 30 million obese people, and the number is increasing rapidly.The main aim of this study to assess the prevalence of overweight and obesity among women by calculating BMI (Body Mass Index).
Methods: A descriptive study design was used to assess the prevalence of overweight and obesity by calculating BMI among women at selected community area of Bhopal. Sample size 100 was selected by using convenient sampling technique and who met the inclusive criteria.
Results: out of 100 samples 30(30%) women are underweight, 15(15%) women’s having normal body weight, 37(37%) women overweight and 18(18%) are obese.
Conclusion: Prevalence of overweight was high as compared to obesity in community area; the history of any other illness and history of any other medications was strongly associated with obesity. Obesity is the main cause of chronic illness and risk of being obese is increasing in women, so this study will help to find out the prevalence and contributing factors about obesity so that problem will be addressed and making general public aware to reduce the risk factors.
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