The prevalence of physical activity among MBBS students in a medical college in Kerala
Background: The healthy lifestyle of medical students could facilitate the formation of healthy physicians who is more likely to give effective preventive counseling to their patients. Therefore, there is compelling evidence that the health of doctors matters, and the doctors’ own physical activity practices influence their clinical attitudes towards physical activity.
Aim and objectives: To assess the prevalence of physical activity and its determinants and also to find out the barriers of physical activity among MBBS students in a medical college in Kerala.
Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted amongst 180 undergraduate medical students. Data was obtained from students using the Global Physical Activity Questionnaire (GPAQ) by WHO and Metabolic Equivalents (METs) were used to express the intensity of physical activities.
Results: Of the total 180 students, 128 (71.1%) were found as physically active, and 52 (28.9%) as physically inactive. Among the physically active students, 98 (54.44%) and 30 (16.66%) showed moderate and high levels of physical activity respectively. The mean MET minutes per week attained by the study population in recreational activities is more compared to work and transport.
Conclusion: Of the 180 students, average MET scores attained by males and females in the 3 domains of physical activity showed significant difference highlighting the need to promote more activities among females.
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