Parental Engagement and Adolescents Mental Health Wellbeing: Cross-Sectional Study from Sri Lanka
Background: Parental engagement is one of the key factors that can influence adolescents mental health status, although these associations are not fully measured in the local context. This study will estimate the prevalence and association of parental engagement with adolescents and mental health status in Sri Lanka.
Method: This current study is a secondary analysis of nationally representative data for Sri Lanka. The data was collected from 3262 school attending students in grades 8-12 in the Sri Lankan Global School-based health survey (GSHS) 2016. A two-stage cluster sample design was used to select the representation of samples. The binary variables i.e. loneliness, anxiety and suicidal ideation, were modelled using multivariable logistic regression models with predictors representing gender, age, grade, parental supervision and parental understanding.
Result: It is estimated that the prevalence of parental supervision and parental understanding is 85.3% and 78.5%, respectively. The analysis of both good parental supervision and parenting understanding has reduced the loneliness, anxiety and suicidal thoughts among the adolescents population, compared to those who don't have good parental engagement.
Conclusion: It is seen that there is a higher prevalence of parental and children engagement in Sri Lanka compared to other demographical regions. However, the prevalence of mental health remains higher as compared to the global average. The results suggest that national policies and programs should be integrated for both parents and children. Parents need more knowledge on good parenting, while adolescents need support on coping with their mental health.
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