A rapid appraisal of training issues of ASHAs (Accredited Social Health Activist) in Madhya Pradesh
Background: ASHA (Accredited Social Health Activist) acts as a ‘bridge’ between the rural people and health service outlets and play a central role, in achieving national health and population policy goals. Their effectiveness largely depends on the training and support from health system and the community. Training is the backbone of capacity building and functioning of ASHAs.
Material and methods: cross sectional study done in Indore and Dewas districts of Madhya Pradesh in year 2013.Facility survey of training centre, observation of training micro plan and its implementation and trainees feedback (satisfaction) regarding training using structured Performa was done. Feedback from 270 ASHA from Indore and 310 ASHAs from Dewas selected by sequential random sampling was recorded. For statistical analysis Mann whitney U test was applied and p value less than 0.05 was considered significant.
Observations: one of the training centre lack basic facilities like separate dormitories, mess, dining hall, adequate number of toilets. Delay in the running of session was seen and ASHAs come late at the training centre on first day. Feedback revealed that 70 % of the participants were satisfied with objectives, 94% of agreed with course material adequacy and utility and 74% agreed with their teaching efficiency. But only 65% were satisfied with the overall facilities at the training centres.
Conclusion: there were deficiencies in the facilities for proper conduction of training which can be improved for better outcome of the training and functioning of ASHAs.
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