Assessment of the anganwadi centres in the Urban Field Practice Area of Father Muller Medical College, Mangalore
Background: Anganwadi centers are the focal units for the implementation of the Integrated Child Development Services projects in each block. Anganwadi centres cater to the children up to the age of 6 years, pregnant and lactating mothers, adolescent girls and women in the reproductive age group. There are 32 anganwadi centres in the Mullerkad-Jyothinagar urban field practice area of Father Muller Medical College, Mangalore. Under the public private partnership model our institution provides immunization, health education, health check –up and referral services to these anganwadi centres.
Objective: To assess the infrastructural facilities of the anganwadis and quality of services provided.
Methodology: Study design: Cross Sectional; Study area: Field practice area of UTHC Mullerkad-Jyothinagar, Father Muller Medical College, Mangalore; Sample size: 24; Study duration: March 2013-June 2013; Data collection tool: Interview schedule cum observation checklist.
Results: 9 of anganwadi workers were educated up to SSLC. Most of the anganwadi workers were residing within 15 minutes distance of the respective anganwadi centres. Registers were maintained properly and kept updated in all the anganwadis. 10 anganwadi were not having separate space of storage and 3 did not have even toilet facility available. Cooking area was separate in most of the anganwadis 14.
Conclusion: Basic amenities like space for storage, kitchen and toilet and playing area for the children should be there in all the anganwadis. Pregnant and lactating mothers should be followed up to confirm whether they have been registered at any health centre and have received the requisite number of IFA and TT doses.
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