Prevalence of respiratory illness among A.C users at Indore city: A case control analytical study
Background-In hot, humid climates air conditioners are not only a modern comfort but an essential element in getting through those sweltering, sticky days. But, like most modern conveniences, air conditioning also has its down-sides.
Objectives- 1.To know association between air conditioner users and respiratory illness 2.To know prevalence of respiratory illness in Air-conditioner users in comparison to non user.
Material and methods-It’s a Case-control study(Analytical study) case-Randomly selected 50 person of age group 25-50 yrs working in IDBI Bank, using AC were selected as case while Randomly selected 50 person of same age group working in NVDA Office who did not use AC at all served as controls. After Filling of Questionnaire & Compilation of data and was analysied using MS Excel and SPSS.
Result- 57% of A.C. user were using A.C. for <3yrs and 44% of them using for >3yrs. Most (66%) of the people using ac at office time and 7% of them using continuously. 83% of A.C. users are not aware about necessity of cleaning of ac filters. cough/cold is significantly associated with ac use. (Calculated chi square=5.54, P<0.05=significant)
conclusion- cough/cold, Running nose & Headache were significantly associated with Ac users. Findings were suggested that AC users were more prone to mild respiratory illness while association between Skin irritation and Ac use is not significant.
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