Effect of nurse directed rehabilitation programme on quality of life among patients with HIV attending care and support centers of Kottayam district, Kerala, South India
Background: HIV has become a long-term condition, which not only affect the physical health, but also lead to psychological and social problems. Nurse directed rehabilitation programme may help people by improving their overall health and their ability to deal with stress.
Objectives: To assess the pretest level of quality of life in both experimental and control group and to evaluate the effectiveness of nurse directed rehabilitation programme on quality of life.
Methods: This is a randomized control study conducted at selected Care & Support Centers under the Medical College ART unit of Kottayam District. Purposive sampling was done for selection of care & support centers and simple random sampling for patients. 130 HIV infected patients were selected for the study and randomly divided into 2 groups with Mean ±SD age of 35.84±7.45years. Both groups were homogenous. Experimental group were given rehabilitation programme for 30 minutes 4 days / week for 6 months. QOL Scale (WHOQOLHIV-BREF) was used to assess quality of life and outcome of rehabilitation programme.
Results: Findings show that there is mean quality of life (62.95) falls on the poor level among patient with HIV infection and 98% subjects experiences poor quality of life (χ2=0.341). Paired difference and t value proves that nurse directed rehabilitation programme highly significant in increasing quality of life (p<0.001) when compared with control group.
Conclusion: The practice of nurse directed rehabilitation programme is effective as an adjunct therapy in patients with HIV infection that significantly improves the quality of life.
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