A study of tobacco consumption among the adult population in the urban slums of Silchar, Assam
Objective: To assess the prevalence, the various forms and the different correlates of tobacco consumption in the Urban Slums of Silchar, Assam. Materials and
Methods: A crossectional study was conducted in the Urban slums of Silchar Assam from January 2016 to December 2016 among 714 individuals aged 15 years and above. The data were collected in a pre designed and pre tested schedule by interview method and house to house visit in the selected slum.
Results: This study revealed that as high as 55.46 % individuals consumed tobacco in one form or the other. Chewing of tobacco was the most popular form of tobacco use (55.81%). Marked gender differences were noted with 70.11% of male used tobacco in comparison to 38.98% of female. Common reasons found for tobacco consumption were peer pressure (50.76%), Fun (35.35%), Curiosity (25.76%) and parents smoking habit (5.30%). Initiation to tobacco habit in majority (54.29%) began at 15 to 19 years of age. Majority (51.11%) of tobacco smoker used 11 to 15 numbers of cigarettes/ bidis daily and 25% spent Rupees 31 to 50 per day. Tobacco consumption was found higher in illiterates (58.20%), low socio-economic status (58.38%), schedule caste (57.18%) and daily wage earner (59.26%) population. The prevalence was seen decreased as the education level increased. 69.75% respondents were aware of tobacco related health hazards. Majority gathered their knowledge from media (58.23%) health personnel (30.12%), friends (15.16%) and family members (5.62%).
Conclusion: It is observed from this study that among the slum population tobacco consumption was much higher and younger subject have started tobacco use relatively at an early age. So Anti tobacco Education and Health Awareness campaign etc. should be initiated right from the beginning of the primary school as a part of prevention and control strategies of tobacco use.
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