Prevalence of reproductive morbidity and its determinants among ever married women of reproductive age group (15-45 years) in a rural area of Kozhikode
Background: Reproductive ill health contributes about 20% of global burden of ill health among women. To achieve the goal of universal access to reproductive health, the burden of the illness and their risk factors should be assessed in different areas.
Objectives: To study the prevalence and association of demographic and other factors with self reported reproductive morbidity among married women of reproductive age group; 15- 45 years.
Methodology: A cross sectional study was conducted among 600 ever married females in the field practice area of Department of Community Medicine. Cluster sampling method was adopted. Using structured schedule, interview of the selected female from one house was conducted by the same female investigator. Data analysed using SPSS 16.
Results: 378 (63%) of the women were in the age between 20-35 years. Mean age of the women was 31.5+ 0.7.6 years. Prevalence of reproductive morbidity was 30.5% (95% CI 26% - 34.99%). 167 (27.8%) women had gynecological morbidity, and 8 women had obstetric morbidity i.e. 1.3% and prevalence of contraceptive morbidity was 8 (1.3%).
Conclusion: Reproductive health problems are prevalent in this community. More than one fourth of the women reported at least one type of gynaecological morbidity which is a high prevalence. Socio demographic factors have some role in the prevalence of reproductive morbidity such as age, religion, occupation, housing standards, socio economic status, co habitation status. Others included early age at menarche, early age at marriage, bad obstetric history, increased parity, history of menstrual abnormality and poor nutritional status.
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