Knowledge, attitude and practice of organ donation in urban areas of Puducherry – A Community based study
Objectives: To determine the knowledge, attitudes and practices regarding organ donation in a selected adult urban population in Pondicherry.
Methods: Simple random sampling was used to generate a sample of 100 in urban service areas of IGMC&RI. Face to face interview was conducted based on a pre-tested questionnaire in selected urban areas of Pondicherry. Data was analysed using SPSS v.22 and associations were tested using the Pearson's Chi square test.
Results: 57% of the participants in this survey had adequate knowledge score for Organ Donation. Knowledge about organ donation was significantly associated with gender, religion, education and income.Television emerged as the major source of information. Only 2% had donated an organ. Both were volunteers who have donated blood.
Conclusions: Better knowledge may ultimately translate into the act of donation. Effective measures should be taken to educate people with relevant information with the involvement of media and doctors.
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