Prevalence of health problems among the regular alcohol users (chronic alcoholics) in urban and rural area of district Amritsar: Punjab: India

  • Dr. Gumreet Singh Professor, Department of Community Medicine, Punjab Institute of Medical Sciences, Jalandhar, India
  • Dr. Yash Mitra Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine, Punjab Institute of Medical Sciences, Jalandhar, India
  • Dr. Jagjeet Singh Professor & Head (Ex), Department of Community Medicine, Government Medical College, Patiala, Punjab, India
  • Dr. A.S. Padda Professor & Head (Ex) Department of Community Medicine, Government Medical College, Amritsar, Punjab, India
Keywords: Regular users, Chronic alcoholics, Malnutrition, Anaemia, Hypertension, Hepatitis, Liver disease, Tremors, Insomnia


Introduction- The menace of alcohol abuse in the Punjab State is not less prevalent than the rest of India. Alcoholism in Punjab is assuming an alarming proportion. Chronic alcohol abuse may lead to mal-absorption of various substances, calcium, vitamin B complex and iron leading to health problems.

Objective- To assess the impact of prolonged alcohol use on different systems of the body leading to health problems.

Methods-The present cross-sectional study was conducted in rural and urban field practice areas attached to the Department of Community Medicine, Government Medical College, Amritsar. The target population in urban area was 847 and in rural area it was 737. Three sets of proforma i.e. A, B and C were evolved.

Results- Majority of the regular alcohol users were suffering from different liver diseases like fatty infiltration 60 (56.08%), alcoholic hepatitis 25 (23.36%), alcoholic cirrhosis 10 (9.35%). In cardiovascular system assessment, 23 (21.50%) were suffering from severe hypertension. Recurrent chest infections were observed in 32 (29.91%). In CNS assessment it was observed that 37 (34.58%) were suffering from loss of recent memory and 51 (47.68%) from insomnia. Delayed ejaculation was observed in 30 (28.04%).

Conclusion- There is urgent need for further indepthcommunity based research in a larger sample and for a longer period, should be undertaken jointly by the specialists from the medical profession, social scientists and enforcement agencies to have real picture of alcohol consumption and its effect on health.


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Prevalence of health problems among the regular alcohol users (chronic alcoholics) in urban and rural area of district Amritsar: Punjab: India
DOI: 10.17511/ijphr.2019.i1.05
Published: 2019-02-28
How to Cite
Singh, G., Mitra, Y., Singh, J., & Padda, A. (2019). Prevalence of health problems among the regular alcohol users (chronic alcoholics) in urban and rural area of district Amritsar: Punjab: India. Public Health Review: International Journal of Public Health Research, 6(1), 35-40.
Original Article